I really have no idea why I'm on here besides "why not?" and now the twins are mad I stole their line, right guys?
Till: Well, slightly.
Wrevor: It's no fun if you don't have someone else to say "not why?" to complete the train of thought.
What train of thought? Speaking of Train though...uh...well...not really actually. I have nothing to say on here. I sincerely wonder why I'm here.
AJ: Where is here?
Ooooh dear...
Till: It's a blog!
Wrevor: Which no one reads.
Till: Besides Jen.
Wrevor: Occasionally.
Very occasionally. In fact, it IS an occasion when she gets on here and I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm spelling "occasion" wrong.
AJ: Why'd you say 'oh dear'? Or whatever.
Because now I have to explain you!
Scarlet: Why? No one reads this.
But what if somebody, in a fit of insanity actually stumbled across here, and then they wouldn't know who he even is!
Louis: Well, then they should follow your link to your writing and he will be explained there.
T.T That's the boring way...Anyways, people, this is AJ, AJ, the people (i.e. Jen who already knows who you are and therefore it is lost to us why we're introducing him again)/random stumbling person who will probably never actually come along, but if they do, we're at least explained.
Terry: Well, at least our record is straight.
AJ: And anyway, don't think they've already figured out my name by now? You've typed it at least three times.
Till: What? I'm still a rockstar, I got my rock moves and I don't need you!
Wrevor: And guess what, I'm havin' more fun. And now that we're done, I don't wa-ant you tonight!
Sam: Didn't you guys already sing that?
Till: Well, what do you want us to sing?
I don't know. I'm somewhere in between "Be Our Guest" and "All That Jazz."
Wrevor: Hmm...that's interesting.
That's it?
Twins: *nods*
...anyone actually have anyone important to say?
Scarlet: Not really.
Louis: I didn't want to be here in the first place. I'm still missing my soap, by the way.
He means a sandwich.
Sam: Yeah, and it's MINE, so don't think about taking it!
Twins: *look at each other* *run off to probably get something to steal Monica's sandwich*
Terry: *facepalm*
*sigh* *turns off computer...er...well, you know what I mean*
Terry: No we don't!
AJ: Yeah, I'm confussled still.
*rolls eyes* WELL, too bad because I'M not explaining it.
Twins: *jump out of nowhere and attack Monica with something inbetween peanut butter and paperclips*
Sam: AH! *runs*
AJ: *hides*
Terry: *ducks behind the couch*
Everyone: YES! *run into Scarlet's tunnel to Japan*
Sam: NEVER!!!
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