Argh, this question won't show up anyways...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Time to mess around with stuff!

So, I'm on a name website, looking for a character name, and I decided I'd look up what some of the names of my characters meant! So, here it goes...

Terrence: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Toirdhealbhach, meaning "instigator" or a variant spelling of English "Terence," possibly meaning "rub, turn, twist" (You can take that however you want to.... Now think about what I just slap me over the internet...^^)
Tori: (Hebrew) English short form of Latin "Victoria," meaning "conqueror" or "victory" (I knew that...not the Hebrew part...)
Virgil: English name derived from Latin "Virgilius," possibly meaning "flourishing" (...I have no comment to that...)
Sam: Unisex short form of English Samantha and Samuel, both meaning "heard of God," "his name is El" or "name of God." (....that's dreadfully ironic and kind of frightens me....)
Genevieve: English form of French Genevieve, probably meaning "race of women." (That one kind of makes sense...)
Scarlet/Scarlett: English colour name meaning "scarlet red" or variant spelling of English Scarlett meaning "dyer" or "seller of fabrics" (Scarlet: *glares* Scarlett: Ooh! Yay!)
Louis/Lewis: Middle French form of Old French Loois, meaning "famous warrior" (...I am learning so much today. Both Lou/ewises: *jump out holding fake swords)
Todd: English surname transferred to forename use, from a byname for a cunning person or someone with red hair from the Middle Enlish todde, meaning "fox." (*dying from laughter* Oh my gosh. Some one HAS to show this to Ace....)
Since I'm sure neither of YOUR names are in here, I'll just look up Will and Trevor...
Twins: don't!
Why not?
Till: Those aren't our names!
So...? They're close and-
Wrevor: Just go do AJ's name!
*sigh* Whatever...
Alexander: (AJ: I hate you. Me: What? It won't take AJ!) (Hebrew) Anglicized form of Latin Alexandrus (Greek: Alexandros), meaning "defender of mankind (Oh. My. Gosh. I could not have pick a more perfect name inadvertantly. First triumph! *fist pump*)
Um...who else? Who'll look up Pedro just to see what happens...okay, the internet doesn't want me to look up anymore names so I'll be done now.
Wasn't that interesting though? xD
-Alice :D

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