Okay, so, my friend...um...well, not sure exactly what she's called around here, Jen, suckishLEMONADE, any of those ring a bell??? I've linked to her blog before. She's basically really the only one who reads this/knows who I am, so yeah...
Anyways, she did this thing where you're supposed to write down ten things that you think no one knows about you and post them here. Apparently I'm one of the only people she knows on this site who didn't do it.
Half that reason was because I doubted I could think of ten things...well, I had another night time idea fest last night (that's when I get all my best ideas) and I managed to come up with ten so, for her, I'm posting them here. If you know them already, bite me, you're lucky I did this at all. (Sorry, it's WAY too early on a Saturday for me to be writing...)
1. My lamp is almost completely home-made. Seriously. I filled the bottom part with multicoloured gumballs and then moj-poj-ed the lamp shade (Man, did I spell that WRONG. Anyway, if you don't moj-poj-ing is when you take tissue paper and dip it in glue and then cover whatever it is you're covering. Then, when you're done, cover it with another layer of glue and it comes out looking really smooth, and shiny) and THEN hung strands of beads from it. Not kidding. I'm really proud of it...
2. I absolutely LOVE rain. There's just something about standing out in it and just getting totally soaked to the bone. You know, water has been circling this earth forever, in the water cycle, so, as somewhat gross as it sounds, people before you stood there and felt the same rain pouring down on them...it's just kind of amazing and magical to think about...
3. Red Vines.
xD Okay, not really, just kidding. That wasn't really #3. (Any of you that got that get a cookie.) Number three, is actually that I love oil pastels. They just blend together so well to make this whole new colour without shading or whatever. It's especially good with nature. One year, I made Valentine cards for my family (home-made cards is just a tradition at my house) and everyone got their own special mix. I was pretty proud of them. I actually even love it getting all over my fingers, but, word of the wise, don't touch the white tablecloth...
4. I despise my laugh. Hate it. Which sucks because I laugh A LOT.
5. Even though this may be TMI, I'm quite proud of this: I am able to fully dress and undress while still listening to my MP3. (i.e. PJs to clothes and vice-versa) You're thinking, not that impressive, right? Well, not with the speakers. With my earphones in. Which, let me tell you, isn't easy.
6. I love swings. I always have, which is weird because I hate heights and fast speeds but it just feels likes you're flying for that quick second before you're pulled back down to earth.
7. My clock is 7 minutes ahead so I'm always early. It just confuses everyone else. (It used to be only 6, but I got superstitious.)
8. I used to love pink. Loved it. My closet was the very DEFINITION of pink. One day I noticed how much pink I really had and began to clear my closet IMMEDIATELY. I've hated pink ever since because I believe it's a stereotypical girl colour and used way too often in EVERYTHING.
9. My favourite thing to get at DQ is an MnM Blizzard because I love how colourful the icecream looks blended together in one big rainbow swirl. (I love the end when you get to the bottom and there's just melted icecream and TONS of MnMs...mmmm....yum....)
10. Number 10 has gone missing. I honestly have NO CLUE what happened to it. I dunno...huh...oh well. Told you I wouldn't be able to think of all ten.
Happy now???
Now I have to go look for number ten...
Thank Castiel, Nerf guns, and cookies,
-Alice Rocker :D
XDXD yay! Like the others, I now have a sense of a new side of you that I will keep to myself for no real reason. XD